Advent Devotional

The church year invites us to think about time differently. Instead of being built around calendar months, lunar cycles, or the rhythm of educational institutions, the church year is based on the major events in the life of Jesus. In this way of counting time, the first Sunday of Advent is New Years Day!

The church year always begins with a season of waiting; remembering that God's people waited a long time for the Messiah's appearance. Advent also helps us remember that God's plans for creation and for our lives unfold according to God's time frame and not our own.

We have developed a First Congregational Church Advent Devotional, and within these pages you will find a number of heartwarming stories and deep reflections on the meaning and the mystery of the Word becoming flesh and dwelling among us. Each of these devotions has been written by a member or friend or staff member of FCC. Additionally, you will find the carefully crafted words of several poets. All of these writings are meant to inspire as they help us patiently journey through the days of Advent.

Our hope and prayer is that something we read within these pages will spark ideas, build connections, and help us to more fully engage in meaningful conversation about the faith we hold dear. 

Click HERE to access the devotional. 

Blessed Advent to you!